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TEPCO has been spraying water on several of the reactors and fuel cores, but this has led to even greater problems, such as radiation being emitted into the air in steam and evaporated sea water as well as generating hundreds of thousands of tons of highly radioactive sea water that has to be disposed canada goose store of.

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“The fuels Canada Goose sale are now a molten blob at the bottom of the reactor,” Gundersen added. “TEPCO announced they had a melt through. A melt down Canada Goose Online is when the fuel collapses to the cheap canada goose jackets bottom of the reactor, and a melt canada goose factory sale through means it has melted through some layers. That blob is incredibly radioactive, and now you have water on top of it. The water picks up enormous amounts of radiation, so cheap canada goose uk you add more water and you are generating hundreds of thousands of tons of highly radioactive water.”

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“We have 20 nuclear cores exposed, the fuel pools have several cores canadian goose jacket each, that is 20 times the potential to be released than Chernobyl,” said Gundersen. “The data I’m seeing shows that we are finding hot spots further away canada goose coats on sale than we had from Chernobyl, and the amount of radiation in many of them was the cheap Canada Goose amount that caused areas to be declared no man’s land for Chernobyl. We are seeing square kilometres being found 60 to 70 kilometres away from the reactor. You uk canada goose outlet can’t clean all this up. We still have radioactive wild boar in Germany, 30 years after Chernobyl.”

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TEPCO announced that the accident probably released more radioactive materialinto the environment than Chernobyl, making it the worst nuclear accident on record.

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canada goose outlet black friday sale “They recalculated the amount of radiation released, but the news is really not talking about this,” he said. “The new calculations show that within the first week of the accident, they released 2.3 times as much radiation as they thought they released in the first 80 days.” canada goose outlet black friday sale

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“We are discovering hot particles everywhere in Japan, even in Tokyo,” he said. “Scientists are finding these everywhere. Over the last 90 days these hot particles have continued to fall and are being deposited in high concentrations. A lot of people are picking these up in car engine air filters.”

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The hot particles on them can eventually lead to cancer.

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Blame the US?

In reaction to the Fukushima catastrophe, Germany is phasing out all of its nuclear reactors over the next decade. In a referendum vote this Monday, 95 per cent of Italians voted in favour of blocking a nuclear power revival in their country. A recent newspaper poll in Japan shows nearly three quarters of respondents favour a phase out of nuclear power in Japan.

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Nuclear operator Exelon Corporation has been among Barack Obama’s biggest campaign donors, and is one of the largest employers in Illinois where Obama was senator. Exelon has donated more than $269,000 to his political campaigns, thus far. Obama also appointed Exelon CEO John Rowe to his Blue Ribbon Commission on America’s Nuclear Future.