This argument has no Shar’i validity

Saudi Menace

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As a prelude to curb the performance of Salaat with Jamaa’t, Saudi zindeeq ‘intellectuals’ and satanic ‘luminaries’ instigated by the current kufr Najdi regime, has initiated discussion and argument for abolition of the Shariah’s law which required shops and canada goose outlet hong kong businesses to close for the daily five Salaat to enable the people to attend the Musaajid for Jamaa’t Salaat.

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The very first Waajib obligation of the state is to enforce the performance of Salaat with Jamaa’t. Commanding this, the Qur’aan Majeed says:

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To find a logical answer for such questions and such statements made by the Crown Prince, one needs to dig deeper and do research into the Saud Clan and their history to find the truth underneath such between the canada goose outlet in new york Zionists and the Sauds, which we often hear in the media.

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The following facts will blot out all the allegations of the Saudi Family and will refute all the false statements made by those hypocrites who sold their conscience to this family by falsifying and interpolating the real history of the Saudi Family; I mean the Journalists and historians who, for a financial temporal reward, have inserted and attached the genealogy of this family to our Great Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) alleging that the Saudis are viceroys of our Almighty Allah on the Earth. It is quite clear that such a flattery is intended to vindicate and justify the Saudis’ Crimes and Atrocities, so as to firmly stabilize their Throne and to prop the pillars of their despotic regime. Which is extremely dictatorial and completely rejected by our great Islamic Faith.


Canada Goose Outlet The Saudi Family members know perfectly well the Muslims all over the world have already known their real Jewish Origin. Muslims have now known all their bloody past, which was, and still is stuck in the same mire of Brutal Despotism and Atrocity. Presently, they exert their utmost efforts to conceal their Jewish Origin by covering themselves with the cloak of the Islamic Religion, so as to try to keep canada goose premium outlet their real Jewish Ancestry hidden in the dark by connecting their family tree with our Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). Canada Goose Outlet

They forget or ignore that Islam does never give any favorable attention to genealogy or “Family Trees”; it favors and honors indiscriminately all human beings whose actions and words are commensurate with the doctrines of the Holy Qur’aan as confirmed by the following Qur’aanic verse:

“O Mankind! We created you from a single (Pair) of a male and canada goose outlet montreal female, and made you into nations and tribes, so that you may know each other (not that you may despise each other.) Verily, the most honored by you in the Sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you.” [Qur 49:13]

Canada Goose Jackets Anyone who is iniquitous and blasphemous cannot affiliate him/her self to our great Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) even though he/she may be the closest blood relative to him. Bilal, the Abyssinian canada goose outlet toronto slave, who was a faithful Muslim, was much more honored by Islam than Abu Lahab, the pagan, who was the real blood uncle of our Prophet. In Islam there canada goose outlet in vancouver is no Favoritism. Allah sets the degree of comparison in Islam according to the person’s piety and not according to his/her worldly status of affiliation to any dynasty. a group of men from Al Masaleekh Clan, which was a branch of Anza Tribe, formed a caravan for buying cereals (wheat and corn) and other foodstuff from Iraq, and transporting it back to Najd. The head of that group was a man called Sahmi Bin Hathlool. The caravan reached Basra, where the members of the group went to a cereal merchant who was a Jew, called Mordakhai bin Ibrahim bin Moshe. During their bargaining with canada goose discount uk that merchant, the Jew asked them: “Where are you from?” They answered: “From Anza Tribe; a Clan of Al Masaleekh.” Upon hearing that name, the Jew started to hug so affectionately each on the them saying that he, himself, was also from the clan of Al Masaleekh, but he had come to reside in Basra (Iraq) in consequence to a family feud between his father and some members of Anza Tribe. Canada Goose Jackets

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canada goose store canada goose outlet winnipeg So that (concealed) Jew reached Najd with the caravan. In Najd, he started to promulgate a lot of propaganda for himself through his companions (his alleged cousins), a fact, which gathered around him a considerable number of new supporters. But, unexpectedly, he confronted a campaign of opposition to his views led by Sheikh Saleh Salman Abdullah Al Tamimi, who was a Muslim religious preacher in Al Qaseem. The radius of his preaching area included Najd, Yemen, and Hijaz, canada goose outlet buffalo a fact which compelled the Jew (the Ancestor of the present Saud family) to depart from Al Qaseem to Al Ihsa, where he changed his name (Mordakhai) to Markan bin Dir’iya near Al Qateef, where he started to spread among the inhabitants a fabricated story about the shield of our Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) that it was taken as a booty by an Arab pagan in consequence of the Battle of Uhud between the Arab pagans and the Muslims. “That shield,” he said, “was sold by the Arab pagan to a Jewish clan called Banu Qunaiqa who canada goose jacket outlet preserved it as a treasure! He gradually enhanced his position among the Bedouins through such stories, which indicated how the Jewish clans in Arabia were so influential, and deserved high esteem. He gained some personal importance among the Bedouins, and decided to permanently settle there, at Dir’iya town, neat Al Qateef, which he decided to be his “Capital” on the Persian Gulf. He aspired to make it his springboard for establishing a Jewish Kingdom in Arabia canada goose store.