Not only are engineering and physics now sexy

How to dress for your graduation

moncler sale outlet I’m sorry to report that I didn’t attend my own graduation ceremony, circa some time ago. I don’t know anyone from my era, ungrateful little tykes, who did. A few engineers and physicists may have trundled along, but those of us immersed in what we had unilaterally decided was the more profound thought field of the humanities were far too busy frying ourselves in Hawaiian Tropic to moncler outlet store bother. Or maybe we just didn’t know what to wear. moncler sale outlet

cheap moncler outlet jackets moncler coats Several decades on, the academic landscape has transformed. Not only are engineering and physics now sexy, but the graduation ceremony, whether it’s to mark a First or a Desmond, moncler outlet online has become the high water mark of a post Moncler Outlet Finals epoch that begins with some variation of a “May” ball (no longer the preserve of the Oxbridge colleges), and thwacks up, sometime around September, against the reality of finding somewhere to live that isn’t actually, technically, your parents’ place. cheap moncler coats

moncler sale If that means donning a mortar board and a fur lined cape, so be it. Unlike its effect on their parents’ generation, the gown doesn’t make the class of ’17snigger or cringe in Pavlovian anticipation of a caning. They grew up on Harry Potter and Elle Woods, the faux dumb blonde in Legally Blonde who managed to work some crimson lippie and her signature fuchsia into her black ensemble. Emma Watson also wore red lipstick to “switch up” her black cape when she graduated from Brown University in 2014 and earned magna cum laude style points for flashing an Angelina esque leg through the slash. moncler sale

moncler outlet store Note that “photo finish”: it’s essential for Instagram. It is now quite usual for impending graduates to table considerable outfit plotting time into cheap moncler jackets sale their moncler sale exam revision schedule, which is mystifying, given that most of the redbrick universities have thunderingly clear rules on what graduates can wear: plain, buttoned blouses and dark, knee length skirts moncler jacket sale or trousers for the women; dark suits for the men. Most universities also welcome the wearing of national dress provided, as the University of Cambridge puts it, “it is dignified and culturally important to the wearer”. moncler outlet store

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