My experience as county attorney and top prosecutor for two of

A bit strange, but it takes all sorts, eh? Worth moresigned, of course. He flourished a length of stout rope. Got aspecial pen that signs on rope. So it’s been fun how he’s got everybody to embrace him and his personality.”[John Carlson re signs with Capitals for eight years, $64 million]With Smith Pelly a restricted free agent, the Capitals owned his rights and tendering a qualifying offer to maintain those is typically just a formality. Because Smith Pelly made the league minimum salary of $650,000 last season, a qualifying offer would have been $715,000, which Smith Pelly would have almost certainly rejected, as most restricted free agents do. But at 26 years old, Smith Pelly is arbitration eligible, and with Washington concerned over salary cap constraints, the team seemingly feared he would have a strong case if negotiations went all the way to arbitration, in which a third party mediator rules on either a one year or two year salary.

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