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5 Ways Video Games Lie To You To Make You Feel Badass

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You know the random items you grab in Mario Kart? Those aren’t exactly random. In reality, the farther you are from first place, the better the items the game gives you. Max Payne and Plants vs. Zombies 2 are a couple of other high profile games wherein enemies start to become uk canada goose more fragile and inept the worse you play. So if you’re a conservative politician looking for a new reason to rally against canada goose store video games, now you can complain that they’re all socialist welfare experiments.

“Coyote Time” Has Screwed Up Your Understanding Of Platformers

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Let’s say you’re playing X COM, and the game tells you that you have a 20 percent chance of hitting your target. Yet you hit it five times in a row. Don’t run out and buy a lottery ticket just yet; the software is indeed using a variety of factors distance, gun type, training level, and cover to determine your canada goose chance of hitting. But in the sequel, those numbers lie to try to accommodate our own inherent misunderstanding of statistics. So if it tells you there’s an 85 percent chance to hit, it might actually be closer to 95 percent, because the game doesn’t want you to miss an “85 percent chance sure thing” and throw the controller canada goose outlet against the wall.

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