The government would not let him have contact with Yasin

Two generations of Syrian refugees find sanctuary in Vancouver

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“The Syrian government has a lot of ways to pressure you, not only physically, also psychologically. Maybe every two weeks comes somebody to tell me today you will go to your home,” Yasin recalls. “You don’t know if in the future you will go back home or you’ll die what the coming days will bring to you.”

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Alhomsi, who was by this time living in Vancouver, pressured the Canadian government to speed up the refugee applications for his sons. Late last year, he was told his sons would need to get to Lebanon for an interview with Canadian embassy officials.

This proved especially difficult for Yasin, who held cheap canada goose uk no passport and was forbidden from leaving Syria. He crossed the border underneath a car after a perilous two day journey, with Majd following shortly after.

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Just over two weeks later, the brothers are slowly finding their feet in Vancouver. People have been kind to canada Canada Goose Jackets Outlet goose clearance sale them, Majd says, helping them get around on transit. Someone from the City of Burnaby’s parks department came by with swimming pool passes for the whole family, and Majd plans to join a soccer team at the nearby Bonsor recreation centre. They are pleasantly surprised by the weather similar to Damascus, says Majd, who was sporting denim shorts and sneakers on a recent afternoon.

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