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When I first found out I was pregnant, almost a decade cheap moncler coats ago, I, like Faith, pledged to let my unborn child be whoever he or she wanted to be.

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Even if they don’t, the overwhelming influence of society, school and their peers will soon dictate that they do.

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I have noticed that the gender divide sets in very early.

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When I put the question of gender stereotyping to an online group of female freelancers I’m a member of, there were a plethora of examples from lining the boys and the girls up in different rows moncler outlet uk at nursery, to making girls wear skirts and telling boys they can’t do ballet.

‘We are conditioned to interact with children differently based on their gender, which is why “Is it a boy or a girl” is one of the first questions asked of a new parent.’

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As the mum of a boy and a girl, Schiller says she has noticed how her infant daughter was praised for being ‘pretty’ and ‘sweet’ whereas her son was dealt with in a rougher, moncler sale outlet tougher way.

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